15:01 PM

Who is Making the Most Money from Web 2.0?

The Web 2.0 sector is a vibrant sector that is supported by hundreds of millions of dollars in venture capital. But how many "Web 2.0" companies are profitable? What's the value of the Web 2.0 market as a whole?

It depends how Web 2.0 is defined but probably there aren't any profitable Web 2.0 companies yet, and the total value of the market is too small to measure.

So who is making money out of Web 2.0? That's easy, it is the conferences such as TechCrunch50 with tickets at $2,995 each. And of course Tim O'Reilly's trademarked Web 2.0 conferences such as the upcoming Web 2.0 Summit at $3,795 for each ticket.

BTW, I thought TechCrunch50 was supposed to kill DEMO? Last I looked DEMO is very much alive and kicking. It is just $2,999 but you can save $4 with this promo code: F8STANDARD1, which makes it exactly the same price as TechCrunch50.

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Please see: Web 2.0 Is On The Ropes. . . Kleiner Perkins Halts Investments