21:06 PM

PR Pitch Facebook Experiment Ends . . . A New One Begins - Are We Connected?

I'm going back to using my regular Gmail account for pitches. Facebook doesn't have the tools to manage email plus it send me lots of emails to tell me I have lots of emails on Facebook.

My original post: PR Pitches Through Facebook: I Have 37, 366 Unread Emails in Gmail... 2 months ago, caused a bit of a stir. (I'm up to 44,548 unread emails.)

I was hoping that Facebook might make my life a little easier but I also realized that I was seeking something else: connection.

If we are linked on Facebook or as an SVW subscriber, you know something about me and vice versa, and that makes my professional life a lot easier. It's that connection that I want to take further:

I will give priority to PR pitches from people that are connected to me through:

- Facebook

- LinkedIn [tom(at)siliconvalleywatcher.com]

- Subscribe to the SVW newsletter:

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- Subscribe to the SVW newsfeed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SVWatcher

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- Follow me on FriendFeed http://friendfeed.com/tomforemski

- Follow me on Twitter (tomforemski)

Read and sometimes leave comments on my sites: Silicon Valley Watcher, Silicon Valley Minute, ZDNet: IMHO

Because then I know that you know me, you know what I write about, and what interests me. I don't want to hear "what have you been writing about lately?"

At the very least I would like you to be a subscriber to my SVW email newsletter or my SVW newsfeed (I'll be able to see your name in most cases.)

One or more of the others would be great. I'll still be deluged and cannot guarantee anything but I will try to prioritize my "connected" contacts!

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[Software engineers: If someone could create an app for me that can track my most connected contacts that would be great. I'm sure others would also find an app like that very handy...]