06:38 AM

Living On The Fault Line Of Innovation - West Coast Has 4 Startup Centers

Here's an interesting infographic from Intuit showing the world's top 20 startup centers. The West coast of North America has four: 1 - Silicon Valley; 3 - Los Angeles; 4 - Seattle; and 9 - Vancouver. Interesting why there is no listing for Portland given the large high tech community there. 

I've written about the connection between centers of innovation and the disruptive reality of living on a major earthquake fault-line -- is there a connection?

The West Coast Corridor: 1400 Miles Of Innovation - Disruptive Creation On The Fault Line

Here's the infographic: (Hat tip Heidi Groshelle.)

Intuit startup hubs global final Infographic Source: Intuit QuickBooks, The Top 20 Entrepreneurial Hot Spots Around the Globe