13:37 PM

Intel Widgets Is Up...

Jeff Nolan and his team at Newsgator put together a great media widget for my sponsor Intel (over in the right hand column). This is much better use of this space than a banner ad or skyscraper ad that repeats a marketing message.

The Intel media widget showcases Intel's new/social media and it changes all the time. It shows off the human face of Intel rather than a slick ad with a slick marketing message.

I'm looking for one PR company that would like to become a sponsor of SVW and use the media widget format to showcase themselves and their clients. I only want one PR company for this slot - I need a Rooster PR company, one with cojones :-)

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MediaWatch: Media Widgets Will Be The New Ads... Are You Feeling Innovative?

Will Online Advertising Turn Into Rich Media Widgets?

Silicon Valley Watcher Sponsors' Social/New Media Widget