01:11 AM

IDF Notes: Where's Pat?

[I'm spending much of this week at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco.]

"Where's Pat?" has rapidly become the catch phrase of IDF. It refers to Pat Gelsinger, the former Intel senior VP who recently and very abruptly left to join EMC. [Intel Reorg Moves Maloney Into Key Position]

Mr Gelsinger was always a prominent character at IDF and a key evangelist for Intel technologies so it is a little strange not to have him around.

Mike Magee, one of the UK journalists, has been writing "Where's Pat?" on the large whiteboards in the lobby of IDF where Intel is encouraging people to write and draw pictures. Four times now, his unobtrusive "Where's Pat?" graffiti has been erased...

At IDF there has been a lot of speculation about the loss of Mr Gelsinger and why it happened so quickly. It's talked about more than any announcement.

He's well known for his strong support of Christianity. Did his evangelism around religion have anything to do with his leaving? A colleague was telling me he was in Japan and heard Mr Gelsinger on the radio talking about Christianity, he didn't mention Intel once. Was this type of evangelism making Intel uncomfortable?

I don't know and I doubt it because this is not something new about Mr Gelsinger. But what was it that happened to initiate a company-wide reorganization just a few days before one of Intel's most important events, IDF?

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Please see:

IDF Notes: The Secret To Understanding Intel . . .

IDF Notes . . . Dinner With AMD: Would An ARM Deal Make Sense?

Intel Reorg Moves Maloney Into Key Position - SiliconValleyWatcher