05:02 AM

Friday Fishwrap: The Curious Rise Of Buzz Kill Marketing...


[Wrapping up the week in three dots . . .]

. . . The other day I twitted: How soon before green marketing becomes buzz-kill marketing. "The planet is dying - buy me!"

My colleague over at ZDNet @mediaphyter kindly reTweeted (RT) it. She was soon congratulated by @tommy_landry "Great RT from @tomforemski". It's great that she got the credit because It shows that there is tremendous value in RTs, it is part of the filtering process that we do for each other. It helps to create a great experience.

And that's the problem for newbies on Twitter, Facebook, etc. The value comes from your network and that takes time. If you just sign up and expect a ready made experience out of the box you'll go home disappointed, as many already have when following up on all the media stories about social media.

. . . Now with added prettiness Visible Tweets – Twitter Visualizations

. . . Beer is the original social media tool.

. . . I had a good time at the Newcomm Forum and also at the Inbound Marketing Summit. And a great time meeting and catching up with people such as @gravity7, @bcahill, @patrickhouston, @jdlasica, @pgillin, @jennifermcclure, @kelbyj, @ross.

. . . PR Week/ PR Newswire 2009 Media Survey Shows 50% Of Journalists Thinking Of Leaving.

. . . There are so many fresh footprints in the snow to be made these days. For example, I recently Twitted "You could be the first person to use 'Archimedes' in a tweet." Clearly, you'd be second but the point is that there are lots of new things to do, more important ones than using Archimedes in a tweet.

. . . I had a good week, I took part in four panels on the subject of media.

. . . I heard this was good :)  @dmscott: @pgillin moderates one of best panels I've ever seen. Media in Transition with @kdoctor @tomforemski @deantak

. . . Media In Transition: Silicon Valley Is Driving The Changes . . . And Is Changing

. . . Friends Don't Follow Friends

. . . Don't Forget SVW's Guest Post Friday

. . . JD Lasica's newest project: Social Brite - social tools for social change http://www.socialbrite.org/

. . . Shel Holtz made a great point at the Newcomm Forum this week: Corporations should hold communications crisis drills several times per year. Because when crisis hits for real it can be difficult making the right decisions if you haven't gone through it before.

. . . NewComm Forum: Business Models For News; Social Media And Investor Relations http://tinyurl.com/cj3lz2

. . . The Myth Of Online Conversations: Lots Of Chatter But Not Much Discourse

. . . My #1 reason for keeping my land line is to call my cell phone when I'm rushing out the door and can't find it

. . . Luca Penati: help a family devastated by the earthquake in Italy, please send your donation and I will match it http://bit.ly/ABW5E