07:22 AM

Failure To Recognize Sarcasm In Brand Social Media Analysis

I'm no fan of Ticketmaster.

[When web services go bad: Ticketmaster's outrageous tax on culture - it harms society | Tom Foremski: IMHO | ZDNet.com]

I Tweeted earlier today about a New York Times article:

"I hate Ticketmaster - "Ticketmaster Settles With F.T.C. Over Springsteen Tickets" http://nyti.ms/aUZMHo"

I got a response from a service called Amplicate, which pulls together positive and negative comments about brands. It made a page called Ticketmaster Rocks, where it collected supposedly positive Tweets about Ticketmaster, and one called Ticketmaster Sucks, where it collected negative Tweets.

But if you look at the Ticketmaster Rocks page, most are negative. The service cannot distinguish sarcasm. Take a look:

I bet this is pretty common at other brand monitoring services.

I'm going to Tweet "I love #Amplicate - it is so good at understanding sarcasm!" Let's see which page it ends up on, Rocks or Sucks :)