18:45 PM

PR: Pitch Me Only Through FaceBook Please...

After some thought I decided that I would like my PR pitches through FaceBook and not through email or phone.

I will only look at pitches that come from my FaceBook "friends." I will give those priority over all other communications channels except for face-to-face, which trumps all other channels.

The reason is that if you are my FaceBook friend you are more likely to know what I've been writing about and what I've been up to. And I'm more likely to know a little bit about who you are.

If you are just pitching me because your boss said you should then I'd rather not respond.

It's an experiment, but I think it will at least lessen the number of people that want to get onto my radar yet don't keep track of what I'm writing about. Which is fine, but I'm looking to cull the noise and work with people who I know in some way. Send me a FaceBook friend request if you'd like to work with me :-)