13:55 PM

Fabrik's Innovative Web 2.0 Business Model: Media Storage in the Cloud or on Your Desk

Fabrik is an interesting Web 2.0 company because of its business strategy: it has combined a Web 2.0 consumer/small business service called MyFabrik, which organizes and stores digital media online — with physical data storage such as hard drives and flash drives. Earlier this year the company acquired SimpleTech, known for its hard drives and flash storage, for $43m and is prepared to make more acquisitions. 

This is a strategy that competitors will find hard to duplicate.  It is a type of "bricks and clicks" strategy and it makes sense because users can choose where to store their data--on a local external drive or in the cloud.

And user's data is mostly media, large video files and photographs. And now with HDTV consumer camcorders, a robust demand for data storage is guaranteed for the next few years.

The company recently raised $24.9 million in Series D funding. I spoke with Mike Cordano, CEO and co-founder, at the company's offices in San Mateo, Calif.