02:49 AM

Leader Sponsors: Publish your thought leadership

Help publish Silicon Valley Watcher and Silicon Valley Watcher (SVW) will help your company publish! We are offering six Leader Sponsor positions at the top of every page served up by Silicon Valley Watcher.

Our readers are mostly local Silicon Valley people and you will be reaching some of the world's most important decision makers. These are decision makers that decide the next stages of the Internet economy, and on the design and development of key technologies and products. These are the creators of the future.

And there is huge interest in the innovation of Silicon Valley from around the world with about one-quarter of our readers in other countries.

By becoming a Leader Sponsor of SVW you will have a window on this unrivalled community of leaders and influencers.

And your sponsorship of SVW will help expand it further. We are building an editorial team of top journalists. And we are creating the world's best resource for news, trends, analysis, and opinion--about and from--the planet's most innovative region bar none.

As SVW expands, your window at the top of every page will expand its reach. And in that window you can display your thought leadership. You can point readers to your blogs and other publications that establish your company as a vibrant and vital part of Silicon Valley's mediasphere.

To be known by your community--you have to publish and become visible to your community.

The annual sponsorship package also comes with consulting services. You get first access to media consulting services from SVW and its affiliates. And you get first access to offline events organized by SVW.

It's important to build and be involved in online communities but it is just as important to be involved in offline communities such as conferences, salons, and debate forums.

These are fast changing times, and in these times, every company is a media company to some degree; because every company tells stories to itself, to its customers, to its communities, to its future hires. Those stories had better be compelling stories, and the best stories are honest and truthful. And they should employ the powerful two-way media technologies that are emerging from Silicon Valley.

Help us publish and we'll help you publish.

Call Tom Foremski, publisher and founder of SVW on 415 336 7547. Or email Tom (at) Siliconvalleywatcher.com with "Leader Sponsor" in the subject.

Don't delay-- do it today: the Leader Sponsor positions are limited to just six slots and will be offered only once a year.

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Here is a snapshot of our AwStats for 2005: (Call or message for the most recent numbers.)