07:30 AM

A few bits and pieces...on Six Apart, Oracle's email sorters; Is Corante next up for the lipstick? PodSmash or Reality Smack for vid-pod users?

...a few cryptic quickies and all in just one post!

By Tom Foremski, Silicon Valley Watcher.com

Look for Six Apart to announce an interesting partnership on Tuesday to do with something that takes advantage of the latest and greatest from Infinity Loop in a looped way :-)

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Oracle's email takes forever to be sent out, you'd almost think it was being filtered, flagged and read by humans :-)

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Is Corante the next one up for the lipstick and tutu?

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New York Times reporter David Pogue, while testing out the latest vid-pod walked smack-dab...into a steel girder! Please see An iPod worth keeping an eye on

As such incidents become more common, will they be commonly known as a pod-smash or maybe a reality smack?