17:36 PM

The LG15 back story . . .

Wednesday was a whirlwind. I hadn't realized how much interest there would be in our part in the LonelyGirl15 (LG15) story.

My 18 year old son Matt Foremski became a prime focus for this part of the story: the unmasking of "Bree" a teenage actress from New Zealand called Jessica Rose--by another teenager.

It was a hectic day dealing with interviews from TV, radio, news organizations. Matt was mortified by the attention, the last thing he wanted was to become part of the story, he wanted to be "faceless."

When Silicon Valley Watcher broke the story of the identity of LG15, it made its way up the media chain, showing how such things propagate. And it showed which news sources are the most influential.

The first parts of the story were published in online sites, then came the major newspapers: New York Times, Chicago Tribune, LA Times with their coverage. Their stories then helped spark the interest of TV and radio news crews.

The LG15 story is not an important story in itself, but it is an important news story. This is not a contradiction, it is a description of its place in our culture.

The LG15 story shows how the media functions, how they influence each other. It shows how the media networks: blogger, citizen, mainstream, and anything in-between -- push/pull news stories up into the broader mediasphere.

To get into the broader mediasphere, it seems news stories often have to make it into flagship publications of journalist rigor, such as the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, the Wall Street Journal,  and The Times (London.)