08:34 AM

The PodCars Are Coming! San Jose Oct 27

This conference looks interesting:

A panel of experts will explain how the first generation of podcars, also known as Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) systems, are already working in other cities in the UK, Sweden, Abu Dhabi, and elsewhere. They will also explore the current state of the new technology -- from its environmental benefits, to how this new system expands mobility and reduces traffic congestion and pollution, sharing tips on how other urban areas can get on board.

Experts say that podcars are the new transit technology that "blends the convenience of a car with the environmental benefits of mass transit." They maintain PRT can change the way our cities deliver transit services and integrate land use with transportation. They say that PRT systems will allow people to travel non-stop from place to place in electric-powered vehicles on guideways. They hold no fixed schedules or routes. Service is available on demand 24 hours a day.

Conference speakers will include Carl Guardino, president of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group; Rod Diridon, Executive Director of the Mineta Transportation Institute, Hans Lindqvist, former member of Parliament (Sweden); Cindy Chavez, executive director of the South Bay AFL-CIO; David Holdscroft, PRT project manager at BAA (UK) , amongst others.

Details here: MTIPodcar Conference 101810 FINAL[2].doc
