08:14 AM

Hult Business School Launches Its Fifth Campus - San Francisco

Hult business school opened its fifth campus this week, in the downtown district of San Francisco. Steve Wozniak (video coming soon) was the guest speaker and also signed copies of his new book "iWoz."

The school has campuses in Boston, London, Dubai and Shanghai. The majority of its students speak at least two languages and have international business experiences. Hult hopes to be able to offer Bay Area companies access to MBA graduates from around the world.

Steve Wozniak, a co-founder of Apple, answered a variety of questions from faculty and students on the topic of innovation and business. He said that often, the best ideas came from starting from scratch, from approaching problems without much prior knowledge of how things "should be done."

He also spoke about his current position as chief scientist of Fusion-io, a startup focused on enterprise IT data centers.

(I will post a video of part of Mr. Wozniak's talk very soon.)