13:42 PM

Newswatch 11.28.07: GOOG to stop cliimate change

GOOG to stop climate change

[Newsfactor] "If we meet this goal," said Page, "and large-scale renewable deployments are cheaper than coal, the world will have the option to meet a substantial portion of electricity needs from renewable sources and significantly reduce carbon emissions. We expect this would be a good business for us as well."

Carry a Blackberry? GOOG offers sorta GPS

[NYT] Google today is adding a feature for some smartphones that don’t have built in GPS but can read the unique identifying number of the cell tower they are connected to. By using this information, Google can display a map of the general area they are in.

Get an unlocked iPhone for $900 (in France)

[InfoWeek] Resellers in Europe, who have already been doing a brisk business selling the iPhone in unofficial gray markets, have said they have been hoping for a low price on the smartphone. Orange has inadvertently obliged, but the $964 price is still higher than the $600 that some resellers have been reported to be charging for a standalone iPhone.

Nigerian sues OLPC over keyboard

[Register] Lagos claims the non-profit illegally reverse-engineered their software drivers to make the OLPC keypad more accent mark friendly to foreign fingers. The initial copyright infringement suit has been filed in Nigeria, and the company plans to press further lawsuits in countries where the OLPC laptop is being vended.

MIT offers $200K for alt energy

[CompWorld] The MIT Clean Energy Entrepreneurship Prize is being funded by utility company NStar Electric & Gas Corp. and the U.S. Department of Energy.
"The ultimate goal of this contest is to find innovative solutions to transform today's energy systems into tomorrow's sustainable energy future," said MIT President Susan Hockfield in a statement.