01:00 AM

Feedback for ILikeTotallyLoveIt.com

Hi Tom,
we are students that just started a new web service called
iliketotallyloveit.com. On that site we offer a unique service that allows users to submit cool, hot, beautiful stuff, preferable with a link where it may be bought. If enough people agree that it is hot it will get promoted to the front page and thus exposed to a broad audience, comparable to digg.com. Rather than providing extensive product descriptions our site functions as a community-based popularity contest: which product is loved or not.
Since you guys also feature news and novelties in a different way, but with a similar audience we would be thrilled if you would check our site out and maybe review us on your site.
Thanks for taking the time.

Malte, thanks for your email. I love the concept, the interface needs a bit of work, but then again so does mine :-)

Also, you might want to approach Wists.com and see if you could do something together. Wists makes it very easy to grab an image of a product and add a comment.

With these types of services, I'd love to see things segmented in terms of types of users. My likes won't be same as that of my kids, and even within any age group, further segmentation would be useful.

Getting people to own their opinions in a public place is sometimes difficult because it can invite ridicule. But anonymous recommendations would mask spammers. It's an issue that many online sites/services face, how to encourage frequent and genuine opinions.

I like your approach and I'd love to know how things develop.

Maybe some of my readers will give you more feedback in the comments section here...