09:27 AM

Resistance is Futile: Diggrz: Lifestyles and Relationships

Lucaso's Note: It's the lifestyle of the new millenium: digitally enabled, creative, environmental conscious, community minded, and productive. We are a band of merry travelers and crafty curators, contributing our new gifts to a world uninhibited by the constraints of the past. We are the people we've been waiting for.

Introducing our new Diggrz lifestyles column is ZigZag. ZigZag is a writer, life coach and poet. She calls herself a practical mystic. You can usually find her inspiring everyone she meets to live their dreams. She has her own life coaching practice, is working on her first book, and takes the stage with her spoken word. Her blog, mszigzag.com, "exposes the unexposed" as she gets personal about dating, relationships, bikini waxes and good books.

By ZigZag for Sillicon Valley Watcher

Cirquemystique_1Whether you are sitting in a cubicle, wearing an Italian suit, bartending, or working for “the man,” odds are you
have a project or a dream separate from that working life. You might be conjuring up the newest technological brainstorm, fire dancing on Sunday nights in vinyl
Speedos, or strategizing your way into a new galaxy of modern voo-doo We are the Diggrs, a kultur of the 21Century, and we are on a mission.

thing I have discovered is that it ain’t easy to have a mission. For instance,
my mission is to build a successful business as a writer, speaker, poet and
life coach
. I have become my own one-woman show, and this is no easy task. To
some degree we are all a one-person show, creatively growing and discovering new
pathways to inner peace, financial freedom, and a world of unlimited potential.

don’t be fooled by the hype. At first it sounds delicious. It’s a world of
possibility, but the first thing to know is that you will resist. We are
children of habit, so breaking free from a lifetime of comfort zones can be
daunting. As you enter into the “discomfort zone” remember that resistance becomes your friend. Think about
it, how many times have you heard
yourself saying things like: “I don’t
have time to do this,  ” “Maybe this
isn’t my thing, ”  or "I'll do it later." Listen to your cues, if you think you are in resistance, it means you’re on the right track.Billboard_1

a society stuck in fear, our friends and family might try and get us to take
the safe
road. Afterall, we might fail at something, and so we shoot low hoping
that at least we walk away with a small prize because we don’t think we deserve
the grand prize. Luckily, we know that we can shoot high, instead of aiming
low, because the truth is that all successful people fail. They just recover
fast and keep going.

are not won by the fastest athletes. Fights are not won by the strongest men.
But the races are won and the fights are won by those who want to win most of
all.” – Tommy Lasorda

say that there is a lot of tension when you embark on a journey or mission, and
the tension builds slowly until the most tension is felt right before the
biggest breakthrough. The problem is that most people give up at 11:59 when they should have held on until 12:00.

hold on tight. Enjoy the ride. Make it bumpy. Fall down a few times, and then,
when you’re ready, fly...or should I say, dig.