18:59 PM

It's Google search for the dark matter of our digital times--souped-up LogLogic debut

Startup LogLogic is targeting the dark matter of our digital times, a vast ocean of information that we never notice, at least not the users. It is the data generated by firewalls, network equipment and other IT systems.

Andy Lark, the former head of comms at Sun, is LogLogic's CMO. "There are three types of data inside corporations. There is the data in the databases, the unstructured data in emails and documents, and there is log data. And some companies, such as financial institutions, can generate terabytes of log data per week. All that data has to be stored and has to be searchable because of legal requirements."

LogLogic released what it called its third generation technology and offering Google-like searches and advanced AI techniques to locate data within terabytes of storage... sold as an appliance for quicker integration into IT systems.
