21:26 PM

[Publisher's Note] Mea Culpa: Lost syndication feeds...the comments problem (fixed!) ...I'm way backed up on my emails (sorry!) ...and I'm moving apartments

By Tom Foremski for SiliconValleyWatcher

My apologies for the loss of some RSS feeds...I thought I'd do some legacy axing now instead of later... :-)

So, if you've been complaining that I haven't been posting anything lately it's probably because I'm trying to whittle things down to just RSS 2.0, (sorry...it wasn't personal.)

Comments problem

TrackBack.jpgThe good news is that I've traced the source of the problem we've been having with our comments section--which sometimes seems to work. I traced the problem to me, unfortunately.

I've been geeking around the past couple of days and tinkering with our Movable Type templates and scripts and CSS file. Once I get stuck into it the hours just whiz by and I haven't posted any entries.

Except that I can post about it as I am right now, therefore I'm always covered, it's always research :-)

Outside in world

But what a strangely interesting inside out world this has become.

I can write about the changing media/technology landscape; the emerging media technologies; and write about the new rules enterprises emerging--while at the same time be it.

And the strangeness of this situation makes me think that we will probably never again in our lifetimes witness this kind of massively significant intersection of trends.

It's interesting, don't you think?