17:24 PM

RSS VC Fund draws criticism...

By Tom Foremski for SiliconValleyWatcher

Welcome-2-RSS.jpgLast week I wrote about RSS Investors, a $100m VC fund focused on RSS focused ventures. I like the fund because it draws attention to RSS--a simple but very intriguing technology.

Many in the VC community told me that it is a bad idea to launch such a fund. It is too narrow and restricted and will fail.

My interest is not in the success or failure of the RSS fund, (though I think it could do very well) but in the ecosystem of startups that will grow around it. There will be a thousand entrepreneurs rewriting business plans and writing new business plans for innovative startups. Plus, RSS will be transparent and part of the fabric of our lives, as it already is for some.

It is all fodder for our sites SiliconValleyWatcher and ionRSS. Also, writing as someone that has an RSS based startup business, it can't hurt. It's a win-win from where I'm sitting.

I know that we will be all surprised at the many uses for RSS and the successful businesses built around it. And if no one wants to join in launching rival RSS funds, so much the better. Too many investors spoil the market n'est pas?

So, you other VCs, stay away from RSS :-) But I know you won't...