10:54 AM

5000 Hours of White House Tapes Online

By Richard Koman for SiliconValleyWatcher.com

I was watching "The Trials of Henry Kissinger" last night, which is a pretty compelling argument that Kissinger is one of the great war criminals of all time. So I was quite interested to get a message from Jeff Ubois that the Miller Center for Public Affairs has launched WhiteHouseTapes.org, featuring 5000 hours of tape from Roosevelt through Nixon. The site has some lovely Flash animations of some choice tape excerpts like Johnson giving some very specific instructions to his tailor; Nixon on Rumsfeld ("he's a ruthless little bastard"); and Kennedy ordering some more of those "little blue pills" (he lived in great pain, if you didn't know). To dig deeper you have to be a little more scholar-like and have certain dates in mind.

The Internet Archive has a smaller selection of presidential tapes as well.
